Oley Valley Fish & Game
114 Old State Road
Reading, PA 19606
20__ OVF&G Renewal Reminder
Club memberships are annual and can be renewed in person at most events or mailed to the clubhouse.
Club dues increased to $45 in 2023 or $55 if paid after March 1st of the year
Our club is 100% NRA, meaning all new members must also be a member of the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) and we are required to maintain a list of all NRA numbers, so please include in the space provided if you are a member.
If you are not an NRA member, joining through OVF&G will save you $10 and our club receives money back! Use the link on the OVF&G website for special rates to join or renew with the NRA. We still get our recruiter credits and a couple dollars from them if you renew through the web link.
Questions? Give us a call at 610-779-1317, leave a message, and your call will be returned.
Be sure to visit our website for upcoming events: ovfga.org
20__ OVF&G Membership Renewal Form
Name: NRA #: Exp Date:
Address: Phone #:
Please update my: address phone number email address
Donation: __________
Club Dues: ___$45__ ( $45 before March 1st or $55 after March 1st )
NRA Dues: __________ ( If needed: 1Yr $35, 3Yrs $85 ) link to NRA is on the OVF&G Website
Total Due: __________
Please make all checks payable to Oley Valley Fish & Game Assoc.
New Member
Received on Amount Paid Entered by Card Issued